Beans farming in Nigeria

Beans Farming in Nigeria: Complete Guide on How to Start

Here is a step by step guide on how to start beans farming in Nigeria this 2020. This business is very lucrative. Since the demand is high, beans production is something to invest in. The price of a bag of beans in Nigeria today is about N35,000. So if you have a land, why not begin this venture.

People consume beans a lot, due to its many health benefits. It is a good source of protein which is one of the classes of food.

It is not surprising that Nigerians consume beans a lot because it is a rich source of protein and yet they produce little compared to what they consume as a result they depend on Niger Republic.

Nigeria’s soil is so good for the cultivation of beans. Therefore anyone that ventures into beans farming in Nigeria will good money as he will be tapping into this untapped farming enterprise.

To begin beans farming in Nigeria, there are things you must know. Apart from its high demand for it and the short supply, we have provided a guide below to start your own beans farm in Nigeria.

How to start your beans farm in Nigeria

Step 1: Select a good site and cultivate

The pH level of soil favorable to beans farming is 6-7 therefore if you want to select a good side you must consider this. Normally, the southeastern and western part of the country is very good for beans farming business. As they have soils with 6-7 pH levels.

Also in this stage, preparing the land by ploughing would be a good idea. However, the soil should be well drained as beans cannot survive in a waterlogged area.To let the legume germinate well, you must expose the soil used in planting beans to sunlight.

Lastly, know that a damp soil, will weaken the seed and might cause stunted growth.

Once all this is put into consideration then you can cultivate the site for your beans farming project.

Note: Fertile soil for beans farming that has been prepared organically, won’t need fertilizer because of the soil quality. But most beans farmers apply artificial fertilizers moderately due to poor soil type. The ideal fertilizer for beans farming is the nitrogen type.

Step 2: Seed Selection

After choosing your farm location, the next step is choosing the seed variety are there are varieties of beans.

Therefore, the type of seed you select depends on the type of beans you want to grow in Nigeria. However, it would be better you select healthy seeds for planting as damaged seeds won’t yield well, as a result, affect your return on investment.

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Step 3: Planting/weeding

The favorable planting season for beans is normally, the month of July. But before you start, loose the soil and cultivate it. After that, you can then plant the seed.

Here is how to plant the bean seeds: the beans should be planted with the eye downwards the soil. Give about 4 to 6-inch gap apart.

After planting, take care of your farm by weeding when you notice weed in the beans farm.

Similarly, it is advisable to watch out for pests and diseases and control them immediately to avoid spread. Weeding is important to produce healthy seedlings. While uprooting the weeds be careful to avoid contact with the roots of the bean plant.

Step 4: Harvesting

Beans farming

Photo by Digital Buggu from Pexels

Beans are usually ready for harvest between 60 – 80 days after planting them. Very important, it is best to harvest during dry weather and avoid harvesting during wet weather. To harvest, gently pull the beans from the vines or snap it off the vine ends.

There are 2 factors that influence harvesting beans and they are the type of growth and the stage of growth.

The snap beans are harvested when the beans are still immature. However, harvesting beans at the snap stage will not make the beans develop proper flavor and texture. Normally the easiest way to ascertain the suitability of the beans for harvest in this stage is by harvesting one or two pods; this helps you to determine the quality of the beans before harvesting the rest.

The dry beans are harvested when the seeds have completely mature. The dry beans should be grown in plenty of space and ventilation. If during the harvest period, there’s a spell of rain, you can remove the plants from the ground and hang it upside down to allow drying to continue.

It is important to avoid harvest early so you can get the right flavor and texture. On the other hand, if you harvest late, it becomes tough.


As you can see that beans business in Nigeria is a very profitable and untapped business idea. You can make cool cash from starting your own beans farming business.

I hope this little tip will help start your beans farming business.

If you have any question or suggestion you can drop in the comment section. Thanks.

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Posted in Infotips NG Special.

I am Anthony Stephen, an information blogger and the Chief Editor of InfotipsNG. My sole aim of creating this blog is to give Nigerians and other people all over the world well-researched information.


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